11 Top Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools

List of 11 Top Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools which are very useful to analyize data.


Portwiture is definitely one of the more unique visual Twitter apps that you’ll find. Rather than tag clouds or graphs, Portwiture allows you to visualize your tweets in photographs.

Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools-portwiture


Next social mediasoftware product allows you to receive information about your bit.ly shortened links, number of clicks, top referrers and location data. Also you can trace all comments concerning your tweet and further shares on other social networks.

Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools-bitly


MentionMap is a cool network exploring tool. The interactive nature of this tool is very neat, although sometimes awkward to navigate. Test it out for yourself with the embed below.

Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools-mentionmap


Tweetstats creates informative graphic reports about twitter activity which may contain aggregates of your daily and hourly tweets, monthly statistics report with interactive data visualization, information about your interface usage, number of replies and mentions of your account.

Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools-tweetstats


Tweetmeme analytics monitors retweet data, tweet locations, referring domains, influential users, user stats and many more. With this tool you’ll increase your ROI and will enhance your social craftsmanship.

Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools-tweetmeme


Trendistic is a Twitter trend grapher. They provide the option to either embed Twitter charts as a static image, or a dynamic and constantly updating graph like the Facebook graph below.

Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools-trendistic


Tweetreach helps businesses measure the impact of social media conversations. It builds for you two pie charts concerning tweet types and quantity of impressions. So you will know how many people your tweets have reached which help you coordinate your twitter marketing strategy in a right direction.

Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools-tweetreach

5K Twitter Browser

5K Twitter Browser is a very cool way to explore the followers of your followers. The only downside to this app is that there are no links to the profiles, you need to enter the usernames into Twitter directly to check people out, and longer usernames cannot be entirely seen.

Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools-5kbrowser


Twistori is an elegant way to view a scrolling stream of tweet containing the emotive words: I love, I hate, I think, I believe, I feel, and I wish. This is a pretty interesting way to get a feel for the pulse of Twitter.

Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools-twistori


Tweetmetrics is another interesting measuring tool for all Twitter maniacs. This software will give several various reports concerning your account including account by numbers, Twitgraph, Network overlap and few others.

Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools-tweetmetrics


Twittermap is a simple but cool Twitter Tool that will show you who is tweeting any keyword by pinpointing them on a Google Map.

Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools-twittermap

1 thought on “11 Top Twitter Statistics and Analytics Tools

  1. Here is another one Twitter statistics tool – http://www.wanna.to
    Explore the most wanted by hour, week day and month.

    It has something in common with twistory, but tracks only ‘wanna’ and provide more information.

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